Despite the current market’s elevated levels of volatility, the prevailing mood of the over 1,200 investors in attendance was one of optimism and opportunity. Conference attendees intently sought advice from some of the investing community’s top luminaries and thought leaders, including Sam Stovall, Mark Hulbert and Ken Fisher.
IAS’ own Editor-in-Chief Douglas Gerlach presented a popular workshop entitled, “Profiting from Fundamental Stock Analysis”, in which he explored how individual investors can utilize many of the same methodologies employed by
IAS analysts to select fundamentally strong, yet undervalued companies.
Our editorial staff and analysts enjoyed the opportunity to meet everyone who stopped by to say hello or learn more about
IAS. We would like to extend a special welcome to all of our new subscribers as well as congratulate Jeff Chenoweth, the winner of our door prize drawing for a one-year subscription.
The next AAII Investor Conference is scheduled for 2013. In the meantime, AAII members can take advantage of a special discounted
Investor Advisory Service subscription rate by calling subscriber services at 877.334.2582. Be sure to mention that you're an AAII member to receive your discount.